About Us
Equity Insiders is dedicated to providing investors with the knowledge, resources, and cutting-edge investment ideas giving them the advantage they need to maximize stock portfolio returns.
What We Do
We provide research, news, and special features on the companies and market sectors we believe have the best potential to deliver market beating returns.
In order to provide the biggest opportunities, our primary focus is on small cap companies that we feel have the best potential to provide massive upside, beating the returns from established large cap companies.
While aggressive investment strategies provide tremendous potential for the best returns, risk and volatility is always higher as well. At Equity Insiders we strive to provide the tools you need to make educated moves.
Why We're Here
For far too long mainstream Wall Street has prioritized the returns of hedge funds and large institutions over those of retail investors.
Many of the mainstream managed funds available to retail investors provide only modest returns, while eating away at your portfolio with their fees. Meanwhile the highest performing hedge funds are frequently kept exclusive to large investors.
As an investment publication independent of Wall Street, Equity Insiders can prioritize the interests of individual investors, helping to even the playing field.
The emergence of low fee trading platforms has allowed individual investors to take charge of their investment strategies while avoiding costly management fees far better than ever before.
Our goal is to give investors a unique advantage that enables them to have market beating returns and achieve financial independence.
A Unique Advantage
Our team at Equity Insiders spends countless hours working to empower investors with the tools they need to succeed. In order to do so we concentrate on 4 key elements.
By narrowing our focus to breakout sectors and identifying the best positioned small cap companies in them, we cut through noise and distractions to highlight the best opportunities.
When an individual investor chooses to manage their own portfolio, it is important that they have a strong foundation of investment knowledge. We strive to provide our subscribers with an in-depth understanding of real-world investment strategies, allowing them to make the best informed decisions.
In-Depth Research
Many investment publications take an approach of covering the widest number of companies possible, providing limited research on a large cross section of the market. At Equity Insiders we follow a different approach. We focus our research on just the companies and sectors with the highest upside. We feel this allows us to provide better deep-dive research and analysis on the best opportunities.
Market Beating Real Time Alerts
Investment professionals know that identifying winning stocks is only part of the recipe for success. In order to fully capitalize on wins, successful investors need to stay ahead of the market and make their moves before others. With real time alerts direct to your email inbox, or direct to your phone with SMS messaging, we ensure that our subscribers are the first to know when actionable information is released by us.
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